Not Sure What Type of Intermittent Fasting is Right for You? Read This!

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the holy grail for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time can’t resist their love for food. The ‘fast and feast regularly’ approach is extremely effective, provided you know which type of Intermittent Fasting fits your needs, lifestyle and weight loss goals. There are five types of intermittent fasting that have become increasingly popular in the recent time. Let’s look at each one of them in detail.

The 5:2 Method

The 5:2 method is also called Fast diet. It involves eating normally for five days and restricting intake to 500 or less calories two days of the week. It is not necessary to fast for two consequent days, and many experts suggest keeping it intermixed so that the body gets time to recover. For instance, you can eat normally on all days except Tuesday and Friday, where you should eat two small meals with calorie intake of 250-300 per meal.

The 16:8 Method

The 16:8 method is considered to be the easiest because it doesn’t need a lot of planning or effort. Eat during the eight-hour window and fast for the next 16 hours (which includes your sleep time as well). Many individuals prefer fasting for 14 hours and eating for 10 hours, while fitting in 2-3 or more meals during the eating window.

The Eat/Stop/Eat Method

The eat/stop/eat method involves eating for 24 hours and fasting for the next 24 hours. This has to be repeated once or twice every week. One needs to have serious self-discipline when doing this type of intermittent fasting as they cannot eat anything during the fasting period other than water, coffee and non-caloric liquids. Also, it is important to eat normally during the non-fasting period so that the body gets enough calories to recover.

The Alternate Day Method

Alternate day method is the most extreme form of IF because you eat for one day, and fast for next day, and then you eat again. While some individuals prefer not to eat anything on fasting days, others eat 500 calories so that they don’t feel hungry and uncomfortable throughout the day. This type of intermittent fasting isn’t recommend for beginners because they will feel hungry almost the entire week, which might weaken their desire to lose weight.

The Warrior Diet

The warrior diet was one of the first popular diets to be included in the types of intermittent fasting. This is another extreme fasting that offers a little flexibility in terms of food intake. Individuals can eat raw fruits and vegetables and drink non-caloric liquids when fasting for about 20 hours a day. There’s a four-hour window that allows you to eat a full meal at night.

Food for Thought

While intermittent fasting is a quick way to lose weight, one needs to remember that fasting isn’t for everyone. If you have a medical condition, it is advised to consult a doctor before trying one of these methods. Also, it is necessary to understand the needs of your body while fasting. If you are feeling tired throughout the day or the hunger pangs are affecting your mind and body, it is alright to eat something that makes you feel better. Give your body some time to adjust so that you can do intermittent fasting for a longer time period.

Disclaimer: The content on HealthTime is for educational and informational purposes only. Do not consider this as medical advice. Use the content in consultation with a certified healthcare professional.

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