Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus & COVID-19

Coronavirus pandemic

Declared as Pandemic by The World Health Organization, Coronavirus is a threat to almost all the countries. With only a little known about this mysterious virus, health organizations are having a tough time in controlling its spread. Air travel has become riskier than ever, hospitals are running out of beds for patients, cities are shutting down – is there anything that can be done to ensure minimal loss of human life?

The answer is the same “Prevention is better than cure”, especially when COVID-19 (disease from Coronavirus) has no cure. Though there is a lot of information available online about how to stay safe from Coronavirus, not every piece of content you read can be trusted. A common man is overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge available, and with facts, some myths are also prevailing. That’s why we are here to discuss the concerns of people and answer some of the questions related to Coronavirus.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, of which some are causing respiratory infections in humans ranging from MERS to SARS. You can read more about it in our blogpost – What is Coronavirus? Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention Explained in Detail.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus. Its outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

What are the common symptoms of COVID-19?

The common symptoms of COVID-19 are tiredness, fever, and dry cough. Symptoms are usually mild in the beginning. Patients might also have a sore throat, nasal congestion, and breathing problems.

How does COVID-19 spread?

The virus spreads when an already infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales. The small droplets from their nose or mouth land on objects, surfaces, and other people, who become the carrier of the disease. Touching infected surfaces or objects with hands, and then touching eyes, nose or mouth with the same hands leads to the spread of the disease.

Can Coronavirus transmit through the air?

As far as studies are concerned, coronavirus mainly transmits through contact with respiratory droplets instead of air.

What is the possibility of getting infected by COVID-19?

The possibility depends on your location. In many locations, the risk of getting COVID-19 is low, however, there are certain cities and areas around the world where the disease is spreading quickly. If you live or visit in such areas, the risk of getting infected is high.

Can I catch COVID-19 from a person who showed no symptoms?

The risk of catching the disease from someone who showed no symptoms is very low, as COVID-19 spreads when respiratory droplets are expelled. WHO is yet to determine the period of transmission of COVID-19.

For how long can the COVID-19 virus survive on a surface?

Researchers are yet to determine the duration for which the virus can survive on the surface. However, some studies revealed that coronaviruses can survive for a few hours or up to several days on surfaces, depending upon conditions such as temperature, surface type, humidity level, etc.

Is COVID-19 life-threatening?

1 in every 5 people who have COVID-19 needs hospital care. In other cases, especially in children and young adults, the symptoms are mild.

Older people and those with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other pre-existing medical conditions seem to develop serious illness than the rest of the COVID-19 affected patients.

Can antibiotics prevent or treat COVID-19?

Antibiotics are effective only in bacterial infections and COVID-19 is caused by a virus. They can not prevent or treat COVID-19.

Can wearing a mask protect me from COVID-19?

Wearing a mask is recommended only if you have COVID-19 symptoms or are taking care of someone who might have COVID-19. Since there is a shortage of masks around the world, we urge people to use them wisely.

Is this true that the COVID-19 virus can not transmit in areas with hot and humid climate?

No research has yet proved that the COVID-19 virus can’t transmit in hot and humid weather. We insist you take precautions such as washing hands frequently, avoiding social gatherings, staying away from people with flu-like symptoms and sanitizing hands.

Can hand dryers kill coronaviruses?

No, they cannot. Make sure you wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand wash for at least 20 seconds.

Is ultraviolet disinfection lamp effective in killing coronavirus?

Do not use UV lamps to sterilize hands or other parts of the body as their radiation can cause irritation on your skin.

Should I spray alcohol or chlorine all over the body to prevent myself from COVID-19 infection?

Spraying alcohol and chlorine cannot kill viruses that have entered the body. Instead, they can harm the mucous membranes lining the eyes and mouth.

Can I receive a package from any location where there are cases of COVID-19?

There’s a low probability of an infected person contaminating the goods. Also, the risk of catching COVID-19 from the package that has been exposed to different temperature conditions traveled and moved to places is also low.

Final Words

To date, there’s no cure for COVID-19. Practicing good hygiene, avoiding travel, limiting exposure are some of the ways to prevent yourself from catching a coronavirus infection. In case you have cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing, seek medical care to prevent developing a severe infection. Stay Safe!

Disclaimer: The content on HealthTime is for educational and informational purposes only. Do not consider this as medical advice. Use the content in consultation with a certified healthcare professional.


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